About HortiAdvice A/S

About HortiAdvice A/S

The main objects of HortiAdvice is to provide consultancy, research and development as well as other activities related to the horticultural industry.

The Company itself or in collaboration with other organizations will participate in projects in research and development within the horticultural industry. These projects will comply with generally recognized international standards for good research practice.

Our activities are performed in all the aspects of the crop production, as well as in finance, management, technology and subsidy schemes, in order for the producers to get the best possible basis for decisions regarding production and development of their company. The advice is offered both as individual advice as well as collective.

HortiAdvice will give the growers of horticultural crops access to the internationally highest level of independent technical expertise, combined with resources and expertise from SEGES Innovation P/S, The former knowledge Center of Agriculture (www.seges.dk) and Delphy (www.delphy.nl), the two mother organisations.

HortiAdvice shall ensure long-term market leadership by continuously developing the company’s knowledge base and services.


Facts & Focus

  • HortiAdvice provides direct advice for all producers in the horticultural sector.  
  • HortiAdvice employs a staff of about 36 people, located in three offices, in Odense, Skejby near Aarhus, and an office in Copenhagen (Høje Tåstrup).
  • HortiAdvice publishes a number of technical magazines and newsletters: 
    • Gartner Tidende 
    • Håndbog for Frugt- og Bæravlere 

- and the newsletters:

  • PlanteværnsNyt
  • GrønsagsNyt 
  • JordbærNyt 
  • Æble/PæreNyt 
  • Busk & StenfrugtNYT

for the benefit of the growers

We will be the growers first choice